User's Manual

Table Of Contents
98-137573-A Glossary-1
Glossary 4
AIS SART AIS Search And Rescue Transmitters
AIS Automatic Identification System
COG Course Over Ground
DC Direct Current
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses to
devices on a network. With dynamic addressing, a device can have a different IP address
every time it connects to the network.
DNS Domain Name System. A system translating server names (URLs) to server addresses.
DSC Digital Selective Calling. Primarily intended to initiate ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and
shore-to-ship radiotelephone and MF/HF radiotelex calls. Each DSC-equipped ship, shore
station and group is assigned a unique 9-digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity. DSC
distress alerts, which consist of a preformatted distress message, are used to initiate
emergency communication with ships and rescue coordination centers.
DTE Data Terminal Equipment
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a computer-based navigation
information system that complies with International Maritime Organization (IMO)
regulations and can be used as an alternative to paper nautical charts.
GLONASS GLObal’naya NAvigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema. Global Navigation Satellite System
in English.
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. The system is intended to perform the
following functions: alerting (including position determination of the unit in distress),
search and rescue coordination, locating (homing), maritime safety information
broadcasts, general communication, and bridge-to-bridge communication.
GPL General Public License
GPS Global Positioning System. A system of satellites, computers, and receivers that is able to