User's Manual

Table Of Contents
98-137573-A 2-1
Chapter 2
Introduction 2
This chapter has the following sections:
Introduction to AIS
SAILOR 6280/6281 AIS System
System components
Part numbers and options
2.1 Introduction to AIS
2.1.1 Overview
AIS (Automatic Identification System) is a communication system for the exchange of
navigation data. An AIS station can be a ship station or a shore-side base station. AIS
stations operate without interaction by ship or shore personnel (autonomous and
continuous). AIS has evolved to include devices such as AIS as a navigation aid, AIS on
search and rescue aircraft and AIS search and rescue transmitters (AIS SART).
AIS enables the automatic exchange of shipboard information from the vessel's sensors
(dynamic data), as well as manually entered static and voyage related data, between one
vessel and another and between a vessel and a shore station(s). AIS also provides the
possibility to send short safety related text messaging for ship or shore personnel. AIS
devices are required internationally on most commercial vessels as identified by the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) in the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS),
Chapter V. In addition, AIS is often required domestically on other vessels by some
Figure 2-1: AIS for exchange of data