User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Service Interface
5-12 Chapter 5: Configuration 98-137573-A
5.3.5 Interface settings
The purpose of the UART interface settings is to control the information coming into the 4
PI ports and the 3 sensor input ports and to configure for the desired purposes.
PI Settings (Presentation Interface bi-directional ports)
The PI ports can be configured to encode and decode different categories/purposes:
Sensor specific NMEA sentences
AIS specific NMEA sentences
Alarm specific NMEA sentences
Proprietary NMEA sentences
Long Range NMEA sentences
DGNSS input (Differential GNSS)
If two ports are configured with the same encoder/decoder pair they are operated equally.
This means if for example an AIS specific sentence is configured for output on both P1 and
P2, VDO/VDM sentences will be output on both ports. If identical sentences are received
from multiple sources on different input ports, they shall be filtered by their talker ID.
Query sentences will only be acknowledged on the port where the request was received.
The DGNSS configuration is only allowed to be exclusively on a single port.
1. Configure only a single PI port with LONG_RANGE parser and LONG_RANGE encoder.
2. Configure only a single PI port for DGNSS parser input.
Figure 5-11: Service Interface: Interface settings – PI Settings