User's Manual

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Sentence use reference
B-6 Appendix B: NMEA sentences 98-137573-A
B.2.8 DTM - Datum reference (input)
B.2.9 EPV - Command or report equipment property value (input /
response output)
B.2.10 GBS - GNSS satellite fault detection (input)
Field Data format Description Comment
1 DTM Sentence Id Used
2 ccc Local datum Used
3 a Local datum subdivision code Not Used
4 x.x Latitude offset, min Not Used
5 a Latitude offset, min, N/S Not Used
6 x.x Longitude offset, min Not Used
7 a Longitude offset, min, E/W Not Used
8 x.x Altitude offset, m Not Used
9 ccc Reference datum Not Used
Field Data format Description Comment
1 EPV Sentence Id Used
2 a Sentence status flag Used
3 c-c Destination equipment type Used
4 c-c Unique identifier Used
5 x.x Property identifier for the property to be set Used
6 c-c Value of property to be set Used
Field Data format Description Comment
1 GBS Sentence Id Used
2 UTC of GGA or GNS Used
3 x.x Expected error in latitude Used
4 x.x Expected error in longitude Used
5 x.x Expected error in altitude Used
6 xx ID number Not Used
7 x.x Probability of missed detection Not Used
8 x.x Estimate of bias on failed satellite Not Used
9 x.x Standard deviation of bias estimate Not Used
10 h GNSS System ID Not Used
11 h GNSS System ID Not Used