User Manual

Table Of Contents
Circuit switched services
7-6 Confidential - For internal use 99-137719-D
7.5 Circuit switched services
This section describes the interfaces for accessing the Circuit Switched (CS) BGAN
services including:
Voice calls (Speech and 3.1 kHz Audio)
CS data calls (ISDN UDI/RDI)
Supplementary Services (SS)
Short Message Service (SMS)
The Session Initiating Protocol (SIP) is used for call control of voice and ISDN calls.
User plane data (i.e. voice frames or ISDN data frames) are supported via the Real Time
Protocol (RTP). For ISDN UDI/RDI data calls a PCM bus interface is also provided for
user-plane data. The following sections describes how specific SIP and RTP protocol
features are used by the RM and how they map to BGAN specific services.
Supplementary services and SMS are controlled via AT commands provided by the AT
command shell. Section 7.5.11 lists the supported AT commands for supplementary
services while section 7.5.12 lists the supported AT commands for SMS.
7.5.1 Voice and CS data calls
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) provides an interface to the BGAN Circuit Switched
(CS) call services of the BGAN XL Radio Module. SIP is used for call signalling while
RTP is used for voice user data. For ISDN RDI/UDI data calls, user data may either be
exchanged via RTP or via the PCM bus.
The RM acts as a gateway between SIP on one side and the BGAN network on the other
side. The following sections describe how various SIP and RTP protocol settings and
features are used to invoke the CS call features provided by the BGAN network. This
includes selecting the BGAN call type and priority, invoking in call supplementary
services etc.
7.5.2 SIP registering and authentication
To register with the SIP server of the RM the following parameters must be used:
SIP server parameter Default value
Server address <RM ip>
Port 5060
User name (protocols.sip.user-name) sip1
Password (protocols.sip.password) sip1
Table 7-4: Default SIP server parameters