User Manual

Table Of Contents
Management services
99-137719-D Confidential - For internal use 7-29
Data interfaces
If the BGAN XL Radio Module gets a reboot request (MSG_REBOOT, section
on page 8-25) it will close all HTTP connections and reject new connections.
In both cases the RM will return HTTP response code 200 with an additional HTTP
header: “X-Reboot: OpReboot\r\n”:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Reboot: OpReboot
Content-Length: 0 Reading all parameters
Reading all parameters is done by invoking the HTTP GET method for the URL
config.xml. The response body is of MIME type "text/xml" and consists of the entire
collection of settings encoded as an XML document. The XML document contains a
number of <param> elements contained in a <configuration> element that is a child of
a <settings> element. The root node of the XML document is an <xml> element.
The value of a parameter is expressed as the child nodes of the param element. String
and integer values are represented as ascii strings. Name, type and storage domain
information is represented as attributes of the param element:
<xml><configuration> <settings>
<param name="Name of the parameter" domain="Storage domain" type="Datatype">
Value of the parameter
Parameter Value
Storage domains
persistent: Parameter is saved to persistent storage (non-volatile
transient: Parameter is saved in volatile memory and its value is
lost (or restored to default) after a boot cycle.
dyndata: Parameter is run-time generated.
cached: Parameter is cached from earlier processing. May be
persisted from an earlier boot cycle.
factory: Parameter is read-only and cannot be changed.
Data types
string: String values. 8 bit alphanumeric characters. Max length
of string value is 256 characters.
integer: Integer values represented as a string value. E.g. "10042"
byte array: Array of bytes. Max length of byte_array type is
256 bytes.
Table 7-23: Parameters for storage domains and data types