User Manual

Table Of Contents
Diagnostic reporting
99-137719-D Confidential - For internal use 10-17
Test & diagnostics
10.5 Diagnostic reporting
The BGAN XL Radio Module provides a diagnostic report for identifying problems in
the field and during integration. The diagnostic report contains events, status and
internal system information of the RM and is very useful for the support team. The RM
uses Syslog to output real-time status information, while the diagnostic report is
primarily used after a failing operation to collect additional system information for the
support team. The contents of the diagnostic report is not documented in this manual.
10.5.1 Generating the diagnostic report
The diagnostic report is generated using the data interface and by invoking the HTTP
GET method for the URL http://[rm-ip]:8080/diagnostic/report.xml. The response body
is of MIME type "text/xml" and consists of relevant system information encoded as an
XML document. It takes up to two seconds for the report.xml file to be generated.
10.5.2 Viewing the diagnostic report
The diagnostic report can be viewed using a web-browser or another XML viewing
software. The BGAN XL Radio Module also provides an XSL style sheet which converts
the XML formatted diagnostic report to a readable HTML page. The BGAN XL Radio
Module provides three files:
The index.html page contains javascripts which parse the report.xml and diagnostic.xsl
to an html page that can be read in a browser.
Figure 10-3: Diagnostic report request
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