User Manual

Table Of Contents
Spectrum analyzer
99-137719-D Confidential - For internal use 11-41
Terminal support
get_bins() This function gets the bins of a calculated spectrum.
<data_array> contains all the bins
<data_n> specifies the number of bins
<freq_span> specifies span/2
<dbm_offset> data_array contains spectrum in dBFS, subtract
the value of dbm_offset to get spectrum in dBm
configure_manual_gain(...) This function configures the gain the spectrum analyzer
manually. For advanced users only.
<lna> For advanced users only
<vga1> For advanced users only
<vga2> For advanced users only
<ddc> For advanced users only
The example file illustrates how the internal
spectrum analyzer is configured using the functions described above. The
example is on the accompanying CDROM which is delivered with the
Integrators development kit which must be purchased separately (see details
about ordering in section 3.10 on page 3-11).
Function name Description
Table 11-15: Support functionality: .\scripts\tt\brm\ (Continued)