User Manual

Table Of Contents
SIM lock
11-44 Confidential - For internal use 99-137719-D
There are 5 interfaces for communication with the SIM lock feature, they are
asynchronous of nature. The following steps are general guidelines for all 5 interfaces.
1. Each interface has a .result parameter. Before making a request, the client must read
this key. If it starts with ‘result=255’, the SIM lock interface is already processing a
request, and the client must wait for a few milliseconds and try again.
2. When the interface is ready, i.e. the .result parameter does not start with ‘result=255
anymore, write the configuration parameters (if any) that are needed in the
following request.
3. Writing the value ‘result=255’ to the .result parameter will trigger a request which
will be completed once the .result value is once again different from ‘result=255’.
4. When the request has been processed, the result is written back to the .result
parameter. The value will always start with the text ‘result=<errorcode>’, where
<errorcode> is one of the numeric codes in Table 11-18 above.
Some interfaces enforce a penalty time if a request fails. Any additional requests inside
the penalty time window will result in the return code 8 being returned. The penalty
time is increased with each failed ‘check SIM lock password’ attempt and cleared on
success. The penalty time is the number of failed attempts squared, in minutes.
The following sections describe each of the 5 interfaces in detail as well as a syntax
description of each of the result strings.
10 Storage read operation failed.
11 Wrong code entered.
255 Used to trigger a request. See the next section for a description.
Return code Description
Table 11-18: Return codes from the SIM lock interface (Continued)