User Manual

Table Of Contents
High-level terminal system design
4-8 Confidential - For internal use 99-137719-D
4.4 High-level terminal system design
As mentioned earlier the BGAN XL Radio Module requires to be controlled by an
external processing unit designed and implemented by the integrator. Also, all product
specific software functionality related to a given terminal must be implemented outside
the BGAN XL Radio Module. Typically these functions can be grouped in two; one for
user/network application software and one for software related to control and
maintenance of the terminal.
It is envisioned that the two groups of functionality can be implemented on two
separate processors with advantage, however this is not a requirement put up by the
BGAN XL Radio Module. This implementation strategy is assumed throughout the rest
of this manual. References to the two processor units are made according to the
following definitions:
Board Processor: Used for the low-level control and maintenance tasks and
interfaces to the BGAN XL Radio Module using the control interface.
Application Processor: Implementing the high-level user/network applications and
interfaces to the BGAN XL Radio Module using the data interface and optionally the
TSI interface.
The following sections provide a short description of the Board Processor and the
Application Processor respectively. In Figure 4-1 on page 4-4 a high-level block
diagram of the overall system architecture, based on these three building blocks, is
4.4.1 Board Processor
All terminals based on a BGAN XL Radio Module shall implement a Board Processor to
handle control and maintenance tasks related to the specific terminal platform. The
Board Processor is envisioned to be the master of the complete system having the
responsibility for the overall system operation like e.g.:
BGAN XL Radio Module configuration
BGAN XL Radio Module control
Platform manager
System monitoring
Handling of POST and PAST
General power management
Antenna pointing algorithm
SIM interface
Cable loss calibration routines
Antenna control