User's Manual

User Manual
102 of 105
(T: 99-161853-F)
Log files are extracted from each of the two (AVIATOR 200S) or three (AVIATOR 700S) domain processors
(ACD, AISD, PIESD) located in the CSDU.
6. When the PC is connected to the CSDU USB port, four new serial ports will appear.
7. Connect an instance of the terminal program to each of the serial ports using 115.200 baud, 8 databits,
1 stopbit, no parity.
8. Press enter to display a command prompt.
The following commands are supported on each command prompt:
<help> : Shows available commands.
<{log} -h> : Shows available commands for {log} in {system, security, diagnostic}.
<{log} -d> : dir: lists all files available for {log} in {system, security, diagnostic}.
<{log} -p [name]> : prints file with [name] for {log} in {system, security, diagnostic}.
<{log} -x dir.txt> : Extracts the file list in a file with the name dir.txt for {log} in {system,
security, diagnostic} by starting a file transfer using Z-Modem protocol.
NOTE: The size of the dir.txt files can be large, approx. 100-200 kB for a CSDU with full log system.
System and security log files are not compressed.
Only completed log files can be extracted. Current System and Security Log files cannot be extracted.
Follow the steps below:
1. Make sure that the CSDU is in Normal Operating Mode (on wing).
2. Plug in the USB cable (connected to a PC) at the front of the CSDU.
3. Using the terminal program on your PC, open a command shell to ACD, AISD and PIESD.
4. Press enter in all 3 shells.
5. Check that the prompt "CSDU MAINTENANCE:/$" is displayed.
6. Type "help" in the ACD shell.
7. Check that only these commands are listed: diagnostic, security, system, help, debug, loggen and
8. Type "help" in the AISD shell.
9. Check that only these commands are listed: diagnostic, security, system, securityMirror,
help, debug, loggen and reboot
NOTE: Connecting USB cable while on ground triggers the CSDU to enter Maintenance mode.