User's Manual

Table Of Contents
98-122988-DraftB6 179
SAS Satellite Access Station. The gateway between the satellites and the worldwide
networks such as Internet, telephone network, cellular network etc.
SDU Service Data Unit. Also known as a data packet.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module.The SIM provides secure storing of the key identifying a
mobile phone service subscriber but also subscription information, preferences and
storage of text messages.
SSID Service Set IDentifier. An SSID is the name of a wireless local area network (WLAN).
All wireless devices on a WLAN must use the same SSID in order to communicate with
each other.
Streaming A technique for transferring data - such as audio or video clips - so that it is
processed as a continuous stream. With a Streaming connection you are charged by
the minute, like for a telephone connection.
TFT Traffic Flow Template. A packet filter list allowing the Core network and the
EXPLORER™ 700 to classify packets received from the external network into the
proper PDP context.
UDI Unrestricted Digital Information. A transparent 64 kbps data channel.
USB Universal Serial Bus. An interface standard for communication between a computer
and external peripherals over an inexpensive cable using biserial transmission.
Mostly used with keyboards, mice, monitors and printers.
VPN Virtual Private Network. A network that is constructed by using public wires to
connect nodes. You can create networks using the Internet for transporting data,
using security mechanisms so that only authorized users can access the network.
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network. A type of local-area network that uses high-frequency
radio waves rather than wires to communicate between nodes.