User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 2: Getting started
98-122988-DraftB6 27
4. When you have the highest signal strength you
can obtain, press OK on the keypad.
The EXPLORER™ 700 now tries to establish a connection to the BGAN network.
The display shows the progress as follows:
SEARCHING: The EXPLORER™ 700 searches for the network operator. Note that the
search procedure can be very short, so you may not see this text.
REGISTERING: The EXPLORER™ 700 is registering itself on the network.
If the GPS position has not yet been acquired at this point, the display will show
NO GPS. For further information, see the Troubleshooting Guide on page 138.
READY or DATA ACTIVE: READY means the EXPLORER™ 700 is registered on the
network and is ready to go online. If you have already connected a computer, the display
shows DATA ACTIVE instead of READY.
CANCEL: If you press C instead of OK, you exit the pointing menu and the display shows the Main
screen with the message POINT NOW?.
If the PIN has been accepted, you now have access to the menu system, but you will not be able to
connect to the BGAN network, because the signal strength has not yet been accepted.
The display may show a different text than READY or DATA ACTIVE if there is more
important information to show. For example, the display will show ENTER PIN? if you
pressed C at the first request for a PIN. See also the Troubleshooting Guide on page 138.