User's Manual

Call Barring of Outgoing Calls
1. Hook off
2. Before activating, cancel all forwarding #002#OK
by pressing the keys:
3. Enter the following code *33*[password]#OK
by pressing the keys:
1. Hook off
2. Enter the following code #33*[password]#OK
by pressing the keys:
Changing your password:
1. Hook off
2. Enter the following code *03*330*[old password]*[new
password]*[new password]#OK
by pressing the keys:
[old password]
[new password] [new password]
Voice Mail
NOTE: This feature is a supplementary service available from
the Iridium network. Thrane & Thrane has no influence
on the availability and cannot guarantee that the service
is available. Please check the availability with your
Iridium Service Partner.
Voice mail allows callers to leave a voice message in your personal
mailbox. As described in section “Call Forwarding”, by default
external incoming calls are forwarded to your personal mailbox if the
call is not answered, if your equipment is switched off, if your Iridium
system is occupied by an internal or external call or cannot, for some
reason, be contacted by the Iridium network. Therefore these calls
will be forwarded to your personal mailbox unless you set a new
telephone number to transfer to.
You may record a personal greeting which the callers will hear when
they are forwarded to your mailbox. After hearing your personal
greeting, callers can leave a voice mail message which is stored in
your mailbox.
Your personal mailbox has a lot of features which can be configured
by you. The caller also has a number of facilities to choose between
when forwarded to your mailbox. See the “Iridium Services User
Guide” that comes together with your Iridium equipment.
To call your voice mailbox you shall call 00881662990000 associated
with your subscription i.e. SIM card number.
Your access code is for default the last 7 digits of your SIM card