
Thrush Co.
Manual #9636-1220
Section 1
General Product Information
1.1 Overview
The Air Separator separates entrained air from flowing system water by the creation of a
vortex which will allow free air to rise in the center, the point of lowest velocity, to the air
collection chamber in the body of the air elimination valve.
The Thrush Co., Inc. (Thrush) Tangential Air Separator has been carefully assembled
and factory tested to provide years of trouble-free service. This manual provides
information to allow the installer/operator to install, operate, service and maintain the Air
Separator. In this manual the installer/operator will find that two Air Separator models are
covered. Visually these models will look very similar. The major difference between
models is the removable strainer option equipped only on the AS model. The model
number designates the size of the unit (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1 Overview