User's Manual

My joystick isn't functioning properly or seems to be improperly calibrated:
- Power off your computer and disconnect your joystick; then, turn your computer back on,
reconnect your joystick and restart your game.
- When connecting your joystick: always set the stick and the rudder to their central
positions, and avoid moving them (to avoid any calibration problems).
I can't configure my joystick:
- In your game's "Options/Controller/Gamepad or Joystick" menu: select the appropriate
configuration, or completely reconfigure the controller options.
- Please refer to your game's user manual or online help utility for more information.
My joystick is too sensitive or not sensitive enough:
- Your joystick self-calibrates independently once you have made some movements along
the different axes.
- In your game's "Options/Controller/Gamepad or Joystick" menu: adjust the sensitivity and
dead zones for your joystick (if these options are available).
The joystick's central backlighting doesn't turn off automatically:
- Move the stick very slightly so that it is set to the absolute central value; the backlighting
will then switch off after 3 seconds of inactivity.
Worldwide, Guillemot Corporation S.A., whose registered office is located at Place du Granier, B.P.
97143, 35571 Chantepie, France (hereinafter “Guillemot”) warrants to the consumer that this
Thrustmaster product shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship, for a warranty period
which corresponds to the time limit to bring an action for conformity with respect to this product. In the
countries of the European Union, this corresponds to a period of two (2) years from delivery of the
Thrustmaster product. In other countries, the warranty period corresponds to the time limit to bring an
action for conformity with respect to the Thrustmaster product according to applicable laws of the country
in which the consumer was domiciled on the date of purchase of the Thrustmaster product (if no such
action exists in the corresponding country, then the warranty period shall be one (1) year from the original
date of purchase of the Thrustmaster product).
Notwithstanding the above, rechargeable batteries are covered by a warranty period of six (6) months
from the date of original purchase.
Should the product appear to be defective during the warranty period, immediately contact Technical
Support, who will indicate the procedure to follow. If the defect is confirmed, the product must be returned
to its place of purchase (or any other location indicated by Technical Support).