Quick Setup Guide

Message settings
To open message settings, while in the main interface of
messages, press the left selection button to open the
message settings menu.
You are able to delete all threads, delete selected threads,
adjust the SMS settings, amend the MMS settings,
notication options and message font size options.
1. Delete all threads – to delete all messages select this
option and conrm to delete.
2. Delete selected threads – press the ok button on the
message conversation you want to delete until the tick
icon appears. Then click on the menu and select delete
selected threads and conrm to delete.
3. Settings Text Message (SMS) – Click on settings then
text message (SMS), here you can turn on and request a
delivery report for each message you send, Manage your
SIM card messages, Edit and add quick text message
option (to add just type in the quick message you want to
add and select add), and change the SMS storage location.
4. Settings – Multimedia Message (MMS) – Click on settings
then Multimedia Message (MMS), here you can enable
group messaging, request delivery reports for each
message you send, request a read report, Send a read
report, Turn Auto-retrieve messages on or o, Turn
roaming auto-retrieve messages on or o and adjust the
size limit of MMS messages.