User Manual
. Choose Enable, then choose the recipients, Click OK and Apply.
In the Event Menu, you may set the motion detection features for each channel.
Record only when motion is triggered will save significant hard drive space and
save you time reviewing playbacks.
*Motion detection is enabled by default.
1. Motion
In the Motion page, choose the channel to set up motion detection. You may
change the Sensitivity between 0 and 100. Then, select Enable Motion.
The area covered by the white grid will detect and notify you when motion is
triggered. If you don’t want a specific area to be recognized, please “erase” the
area by left-clicking and dragging the mouse over the area to exclude.
Click Copy to copy the setting to other channels and then click Apply.
: Trigger Channel: Chosen channel will pop up in a full-screen display when
motion is detected.
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