User's Manual

If you press the Test button while the Duress Device is in Off Duty or On Duty mode and detached
from its holster, it will beep and vibrate while it runs a self-test. The LED will blink orange, then
turn green to indicate a successful test. Press the Panic button once after the LED turns green
to switch to On Duty mode, or press the Test button again to switch to Off Duty mode.
If the test fails, the Duress Device will still enter On Duty mode but it will notify the user of the
failure with a “fail” beep and orange LED, and it will send an alert. The test can be repeated,
which may resolve the error. Pressing the Panic button when the LED is solid RED may clear the
error. If the test fails three times the device will be placed in a permanent error condition and
should be returned to TimeKeeping Systems.
Test results can also be viewed with the Guard1 software.
On Duty
On Duty is the normal operational state of the Duress Device. There is no alert condition, and it
is monitoring your status. The LED flashes green once per second when the batteries are good.
STATUS Single beep entering Active mode
Replace the batteries immediately if any other behavior is observed. Please see the Battery
Status section of this manual.
The Duress Device will signal a warning if one of these conditions exists:
The device is not vertical
There has been no motion
The device has been removed from the holster
To stop the warning, correct the condition causing it.
STATUS One beep every four seconds
To warn the user the Duress Device will beep and/or vibrate once every four seconds while the
LED flashes once each second.
Some of these conditions may not be enabled and/or the warning period may be different,
depending on how the Duress Device is configured for your facility.
Secondary Alert
If a Warning condition exists for more than thirty seconds, the Duress Device will signal an alert.
To stop the alert, correct the condition causing it.
STATUS Double beep once every four seconds
The Duress Device will produce a double beep and/or vibration once every four seconds while
the LED flashes once each second. Some of these conditions may not be enabled and/or the
warning period may be different, depending on how the Duress Device is configured for your