Operation Manual

Note: This manual covers the features added with the SC version of the PK-232.
The main PK-232 manual describes the modes and features found in the
original PK-232 and PK-232MBX. The DSP manual supplement describes
the DSP board features.
PC USB Connection
Connect the PK-232SC to an USB 2.0 compatible port on a computer with a single USB cable (USB miniB
to USB A). No other computer connections are required. The computer USB port must be capable of
supplying full USB power (5.0 Volts @ 500mA.) If a USB hub is used, it must be a powered hub.
USB device driver
The device drivers for Windows XP/VISTA/7 will load automatically when the PK-232SC is connected to
your Windows PC if it is connected to the internet. The drivers are also found on the CD distributed with
the PK-232SC and on the Timewave web site (
www.timewave.com.) Other drivers are available for Linux
and Apple computers. Please contact Timewave or visit the Timewave website for further information.
Note: This device driver is different from previous PK-232/USB device drivers. The older drivers will not
work for the PK-232SC.
Connect the PK-232SC to a +13VDC @ 750 mA. power supply. Press the PK-232SC power switch to the
IN position. This connection is the same for all models of the PK-232.
Connect your radio data audio input, data audio output and PTT line to the PK-232SC Radio 1 or Radio 2
ports. This connection is the same for all models of the PK-232. If you are upgrading your PK-232MBX
to a PK-232SC, you can use your existing cable if you do not change radios. This connection is the same
for all models of the PK-232.
PK-232SC Ports
The PK-232Sc has two COM ports, a USB Audio sound card port and 2 USB ports.
The PK-232 terminal program uses the “standard” COM port to control the PK-232SC operation.
The PK-232SC rig control program uses the “enhanced” COM port to control your transceiver.
The PK-232SC sound card mode programs use the “USB Audio Codec” to run sound card
The PK-232SC USB ports appear on your computer USB port list and can be used for USB 2.0
compatible USB devices.