Operation Manual

MyPBX Standard User Manual
www.yeastar.com Page 123
Step 3 Configure Autobackup settings on MyPBX to Figure B-2
Figure B-2 Autobackup Setting
Net-Disk Host/IP: Change this to the IP address of the computer where
backup files will be stored.
Net-Disk Share Name: Change this to the name of the shared folder
where backups will be stored.
Net-Disk Share Username: The user name used to log into the network
share. Leave this blank if it is not required
Net-Disk Share Password: The password used to log into the network
share. Leave this blank if it is not required
If configuring is correctly, open your Windows share folder to see if the
MyPBX backup files and folders has been created. If the contents of the
backup folder look similar to Figure B-3, then you have successfully
configured Autobackup on the MyPBX unit.
Figure B-3 Autobackup setting succeed