Operation Manual

MyPBX Standard User Manual
www.yeastar.com Page 20
extension number. In this way, the VoIP security will be enhanced.
·Permitted IP address/Subnet mask
The input format should be „IP address‟+‟/‟+‟Subnet mask‟.
e.g."" means only the device whose IP
address is is allowed to register this extension number.
e.g."" means only the device whose IP address is
192.168.5.XXX is allowed to register this extension number.
10) Mobility Extension
MyPBX allows you to use your mobile phone as extension. If you set your mobile
phone as mobility extension and then you call MyPBX with this mobility phone,
you will hear a dial tone. MyPBX will recognize your call as a call from an
extension. You can dial other extension numbers (Your caller ID will be the
number of your extension) and dial out using all outbound route that your
extension can use on MyPBX.
·Mobility Extension Number
Don't forget to add the dial patterns of the outbound route at the beginning of
your mobile phone number when you fill in the mobility extension number filed.
E.g. if you want to set 15960XXXXXX as mobile extension, and the dial pattern
of the outbound route is 9; you should set 915960XXXXXX here.
Note: If callback is enabled on the inbound route, the mobility extension
function of this inbound route will be disabled.
11) Call Duration Settings
Setup the max cull duration for every call of this extension, but its only valid for
outbound calls. And if enter 0 or leave this blank empty, the value would be equal
to the max call duration configured in the Option Settings page.
Note: This setting will not be valid for internal calls.