Operation Manual

MyPBX Standard User Manual
www.yeastar.com Page 57
N : Any Digit from 2-9
[12345-9] : Any digit in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
The . Character will match any remaining digits. For example, 9011. will match
any phone number that starts with 9011, excluding 9011 itself.
The ! will match none remaining digits, and causes the matching process to
complete as soon as it can be determined that no other matches are possible.
Example 1: NXXXXXX will match any 7 digits phone number.
Example 2: 1NXXNXXXXX will match a phone number starting with a 1,
followed by a 3-digit area code, and then 6 digit number.
For more information, please refer to Appendix G How to Use DID.
Define the extension for DID number. This field is only valid when you use BRI,
SIP, SPS or SPX trunk for this inbound router. You can only input number and
-„in this field, and the format can be xxx or xxx-xxx. The count of the number
must be only one or equal the count of the DID number.
·Caller ID Number
Define the Caller ID Number to be matched on incoming calls. Leave this field
blank to match any or no DID info.
You can also use a pattern match (e.g. 2[345]X) to match a range of numbers.
The following patterns may be used:
X : Any Digit from 0-9
Z : Any Digit from 1-9
N : Any Digit from 2-9
[12345-9] : Any digit in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
The . Character will match any remaining digits. For example, 9011. will match
any phone number that starts with 9011, excluding 9011 itself.
The ! will match none remaining digits, and causes the matching process to
complete as soon as it can be determined that no other matches are possible.
Example 1: NXXXXXX will match any 7 digits phone number.
Example 2: 1NXXNXXXXX will match a phone number starting with a 1,
followed by a 3-digit area code, and then 6 digit number.
·Distinctive Ringtone
MyPBX support mapping to custom ring tone files. For example, if you configure
the distinctive ringing for custom ring tone to Family, the ring tone will be
played if the phone receives the incoming call.
·Enable Callback
You can enable the callback function of this inbound route. If you want to