Operation Manual

MyPBX Standard User Manual
www.yeastar.com Page 84
·Prompt for Entry
Prompt caller enter the PIN Number.
·Prompt for Entry Failure
Prompt the caller when an invalid PIN is entered.
2) PIN User
MyPBX can store a number of PIN Users. PIN Users may be used to keep track
of calls in relation to particular activities or clients. They can also be used to
keep track of calls by particular users or sets of users.
PIN entered are checked against those stored by the system. If an invalid PIN
is entered, the PIN is requested again.
The system administrator can configure certain numbers or types of numbers
to require entry of a PIN before you can continue making a call to such a
The system administrator can also configure you to have to enter a PIN before
making any external call.
A character-based name for this PIN list, i.e. YeastarPIN
·PIN List
Enter a list of one or more PINs, One PIN per line.
·Outbound Route
PIN User can use those outbound route to make call out.
Figure 3.5.12