Operation Manual

MyPBX Standard User Manual
www.yeastar.com Page 90
Step7: Reboot the device.
Step8: Check the WANs Status (System Info WAN Status).
If your DSL provider says that you are connecting through PPPoE or if you
normally enter a user name and password to access the Internet, perform these
Step1: Select PPPoE as the WAN Connection Type.
Step2: Enter the User Name.
Step3: Enter the Password.
Step4: Click the Save button to save the settings.
Step5: Reboot the device.
Step6: Check the WANs Status (System Info WAN Status).
Figure 3.6.2
3.6.3 Static Route
MyPBX will have more than one internet connection in some situations but it has
only one default gateway. You will need to set some Static Route for MyPBX to
force it goes out through different gateway when access to different internet.
The default gateway priority of MyPBX from high to low is OpenVPNWAN
portLAN port.
1) Route table
The current route rules of MyPBX
The destination network to be accessed to by MyPBX
·Subnet Mask
Specify the destination network portion.