User's Guide

LE940B6 HW User Guide
Rev. 2.02
Page 53 of 111 2020-01-10
5.3.2. Hardware Shutdown
To turn off the LE940B6 module, the ON_OFF_N pad must be asserted low in the range
of 1150 - 1250 milliseconds and then released. Use the same circuitry and timing for
When the ON_OFF_N is asserted low for a period in the range 1150 - 1250 milliseconds
and then released, LE940B6 goes into the Finalization state and in the end shuts down
The duration of the Finalization state can differ according to the current situation of the
module, so a value cannot be defined.
Usually, it will take more than 10 seconds from sending a shutdown command until
reaching a complete shutdown. The DTE host should monitor the status of
VAUX/PWRMON to observe the actual power-off.
Figure 8: Hardware Shutdown
To check whether the device has powered off, monitor the VAUX/PWRMON
hardware line. When VAUX/PWRMON goes low, the device has powered
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