User's Guide

LE940B6 HW User Guide
Rev. 2.02
Page 69 of 111 2020-01-10
A characteristic impedance of nearly 50 Ω is achieved using trace width = 1.1 mm,
clearance from coplanar ground plane = 0.3 mm on each side. The line uses a reference
ground plane on Layer 3, while copper is removed from Layer 2 underneath the line.
Height of trace above the ground plane is 1.335 mm. Calculated characteristic impedance
is 51.6 Ω, estimated line loss is less than 0.1 dB. The line geometry is shown below.
Figure 15: Line Geometry
7.5.2. Transmission Line Measurements
E5071C NA (Full-4-port calibration) has been used in this measurement session. A
calibrated coaxial cable has been soldered at the pad corresponding to RF output; a SMA
connector has been soldered to the board to characterize the losses of the transmission
line including the connector itself. During return loss / impedance measurements, the
transmission line has been terminated to a load of 50 Ω.
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