User's Guide

LE940B6 HW User Guide
Rev. 2.02
Page 93 of 111 2020-01-10
Table 37: Solder Profile Characteristics
Profile Feature
Pb-Free Assembly
Average ramp-up rate (TL to TP)
3°C/second max
Temperature min (Tsmin)
Temperature max (Tsmax)
Time (min to max) (ts)
60-180 seconds
Tsmax to TL
Ramp-up rate
3°C/second max
Time maintained above:
Temperature (TL)
Time (tL)
60-150 seconds
Peak temperature (Tp)
245 +0/-5°C
Time within 5°C of actual peak
Temperature (tp)
10-30 seconds
Ramp-down rate
6°C/second max
Time 25°C to peak temperature
8 minutes max
All temperatures refer to the top side of the package, measured on the
package body surface.
The LE940B6 module withstands one reflow process only.
Provided to Dekra under NDA
Distribution is Prohibited except for
Dekra employees with a Need to know