Owner`s manual

The Model CD features excellent anti-skipping protection, but it is not skip proof. Place the
Model CD on a flat, level surface that is not subject to vibration. Should the Model CD affect radio
reception of your Tivoli Audio radio or other equipment, move the Model CD further away from the
unit or keep the Model CD turned off when listening to the radio.
CD and audio CD-R formats are supported. Refrain from inserting any media inside the Model CD
that isn’t a standard music CD. Refrain from inserting specially-shaped CDs and 3" mini CDs.
CDs with severe scratches might not play correctly.
Never use harsh cleansers or solvents on your Model CD. A liquid polish usually provides best results.
NOTE: Tivoli Audio cabinets are made with real wood veneers. Since natural wood varies greatly,
it is not possible to achieve an exact wood color/grain match between models. You may also
notice the wood darken over time with exposure to sunlight. Again, this is normal for real wood.