Operation Manual

6. PRESETS #1-5: With the unit set to FM or AM, press and hold one of these buttons to store
the currently tuned radio station to a preset. The Preset number will flash and a beep will be
heard confirming the station has been successfully stored. Once stored, press the Preset
button briefly to recall the station associated with that Preset. The display will show “m”
(“memorized”) followed by the Preset number. The tuned preset number will show on the right
side of the display (Fig. 3). There are 5 presets for the FM band and 5 for the AM band. If a
Preset button is pressed and a station has not been saved to that Preset number, the display
will show “Empty”. Presets can only be stored using the controls on the iYiYi sound system
and not via the remote control.
7. DOCK: Seven different dock adapters are included, each individually numbered. Use the dock
adapter chart to determine which dock fits your model iPod. Insert the appropriate dock adapter
into the well of the universal dock. Newer models of the iPod with dock connectors include a
dock adapter that will fit this dock. Never place an iPod in the dock without the adapter dock,
as this may damage the dock connector. A docked iPod will receive a charge whenever the iYiYi
sound system is powered On in any mode except AM so as not to compromise AM reception.
A docked iPod that is powered on may remain on if the source is changed too quickly.
An iPod shuffle
, older model iPod, or other MP3 player not having a dock connector can still
be used with the system by connecting an audio cable (not included) from its headphone
output to the unit’s auxiliary input. Each end of the audio cable should be terminated with a
1/8" stereo male mini connector.
If you have any questions about how to use your iPod, please contact Apple, Inc. directly,
or the establishment where you purchased your iPod.
Match your iPod model to the chart to determine which Dock Adapter is right for your iPod.
Each Dock Adapter is numbered on the back according to the chart.
Figure 3
Adapter # iPod Model
1 iPod with dock connector
(The 20 GB is the thinner version – .62 inches / 1.57 cm)
10, 15, 20 GB
2 iPod with dock connector
(The 20 GB is the thicker version – .73 inches / 1.85 cm)
20, 30, 40 GB
3 iPod mini 4, 6 GB
4 iPod with Click Wheel 20, 30 GB
5 iPod with Click Wheel 40 GB
6 iPod with color display 20, 30 GB
7 iPod with color display 40 GB