Operation Manual

Please press button to share the folder. The folder selecting dialog box will appear
so the wanted folder can be selected.
Please repeat this procedure to select all other desirable folders to share. Please press
button to unselect the folder, after clicking the row of unwanted folder at the
dialog box.
The balloon help will pop-up when pressing OK button like below picture.
The TizzNFS will automatically run whenever log-on the PC, so shared folders will be
22.1.3 Downloading other NFS Server
Please download the freeNFS or Allegro NFS server at Internet at the PC. The freeNFS
and Allegro NFS server was confirmed by TizzBird.
The freeNFS software can be downloadable at following URL:
FreeNFS can be executed without specific installation.
22.1.4 Executing freeNFS Server & Configuration
Execute the freeNFS. The freeNFS icon will appear on Task Bar. Right mouse click the icon
and select Settings menu item.
Please enter shared folder name at Path of Server Tab like above picture.
Please make sure that selecting 65001 (UTF-8) at the Codepage of Filennames Tab.