Owner`s manual

The available NFS servers will appear with names or IP addresses. The + sign on the left
side of server name means it has exported folders. There can be no + sign server which is
not exporting the EXPORT NAMES.
If PC runs Windows OS, the PC name can also appear like above picture. If the wanted
server list is not appeared, please try RED button on remote to refresh the NFS server list.
Please select one of the server then press OK, the exported folders will appear like below
picture. Please select one of those then press OK to connect.
The following dialog will appear shortly and connection will be made.
Please use RealTEK RTL8188 Wi-Fi module for NFS thru Wi-Fi. The Ralink RT3070 Wi-Fi
driver has some problem with NFS connection. The NFS + Ethernet configuration also does
not have problem.