User guide

Front Panel.
The front panel controls are shown in fig.3.
Input Stage.
Ensure that the correct input connector, mic or instrument, is being used. Note that
the instrument input will override the mic input if both are connected at the same time.
+48V phantom power is available at the mic socket, selected by the switch adjacent to
the input socket.
CAUTION: Operation of the phantom power switch, or plugging a microphone in
with phantom power applied, may cause a click or thump in your loudspeakers. To
prevent this happening, ensure that the system gain is set to minimum (e.g. on your
mixing console fader or power amplifier), before operating the switch or plugging in a
The Mic gain is set in 10dB steps by the rotary switch, with fine adjustment available
over an additional +/-12dB range from the trim control. The total maximum gain
available on the mic input is +62dB. The gain available on the instrument input is
14dB lower than the mic, with a maximum of +48dB.
LF and HF Cut.
The filters are second order (12dB per octave), with -3dB points at the frequencies
marked. Each filter has 3 switched frequencies plus an “Off” position. With both
filters in the Off position, the Pre-Amplifier will produce a frequency response of -
2dB at 30Hz and 40KHz.
Each channel is equipped with a large, rotary fader for control of the output level. 0dB
output gain is obtained at the maximum clockwise position.