User guide

monitor their respective group output signals.
The group ON switches work in tandem with the group left/right switches above them as indicated by
the desk legending. It enables the selected post fade group signal to be sent to the main mix outputs
for traditional sub-grouping of signals such as drums and backing vocals. There are two choices:
ON Post Fade group signal for odd numbered groups (1,3,5,7) is fed to main mix left.
Post Fade group signal for even numbered groups (2,4,6,8) is fed to main mix
ON + L/R Post Fade group signal to main mix left and right outputs equally.
Balanced XLR sockets for the master left and right outputs are found on the rear connector panel at a
nominal level of +4dBu, and there are also unbalanced 1/4 inch jack outputs at a nominal level of -
10dBu. Insert points are post the valve stage and pre fader, connected via stereo 1/4 inch jacks on the
rear connector panel. Output level is shown on the Left and Right VU meters on the meter bridge
above the Master Section.
The L + R mix amplifiers use a combination of low noise balanced IC first stage followed by an
ECC83/12AX7A valve stage. The signal passes through this stage pre insert and pre fader.
The 100mm fader for the Left/Right output controls the main stereo mix level.
Automation is an optional extra and when fitted ‘Status’ acts as a momentary switch intended to
identify the presence of a signal path to the automation system computer - in effect, a local status
If automation is fitted, the Auto button allows a channel’s automation stage to be bypassed if
required, thus removing any unwanted VCA stages from the signal path. Depressing the ‘Auto’
switch engages the VCA.
Internal links are fitted such that this switch has no effect on a non-automated console. If automation
is fitted then the links should be removed (see Technical Section 3.8)
Contents. Page number
1. Power Supply Distribution. 36
1.1 Mechanical Construction. 36
1.2 Power Supply Fault Finding. 36 37
2. Valve PCBs. 37
2.1 Circuit Overview. 37 38
2.2 Valve Circuit Fault Finding. 38