User's Manual

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Order of Actions (Action Flowchart)
Change bank/channel numbers to those of idle channels.
(See p. 10 - 13)
Perform antenna attenuator settings to limit service area.
(See p. 18, “Antenna Attenuator”.)
Most interference can be avoided by operations
above. If interference is still encountered, select
channel having relatively less interference, then
continue following operations.
Check reception indicators.
Check reception indicators.
Check reception indicators.
Any interference?
Any interference?
Any interference?
Perform pairing setting. (See p. 16, “Encryption setting.”)
Is the encryption
function set to “ON”?
Use as is.
Use as is.
Use as is.
Perform code setting.
(See p.15, “Code setting.”)
Ye s
Ye s
Ye s
When radio interference is still encountered, consult shop
from where unit was purchased.
Interference Countermeasures