User's Manual

Table Of Contents
8. Remove the Glasses from the participant.
6.2.3 Checking the recording
1. Check recorded data by replaying the video from the Recording List. See section 7.8 Replaying a recording, page 30.
6.2.4 Turning the Glasses off
1. Check battery and memory levels on the Dashboard.
2. On the Recording Unit, press and hold the power button until the LEDs stop flashing. Release the button and the Re-
cording Unit will turn off within the next 10 seconds.
6.3 After data collection
1. Back up all recorded data from the SD memory card to an external storage drive. See section: 7.11 Backing up re-
corded data, page 30
2. Charge Recording Unit batteries. See section 7.1.1 Charging Recording Unit batteries, page 18.
3. Charge Tablet computer. See tablet/computer user manual
6.4 Further analysis with Tobii Glasses Analysis Software
To perform any analysis beyond simple replay of a recording, you need to import your recordings into Tobii Glasses Analysis
Software. Tobii Glasses Analysis Software is a separate software and must be purchased separately. Please refer to the Tobii
Glasses Analysis Software Users Manual for more information on how to use the software.
Tobii Glasses 2 Eye TrackerUsers manual v.1.0.2 - en-US
6 Workflow Quick Guide