User's Manual

Table Of Contents
2. Tap Rename Glasses in Glasses Control Panel Properties .
3. Type a new name and tap Save Changes.
7.12.5 Memory cards
SD memory cards used in the Tobii Glasses 2 Recording Unit must be formatted as FAT32. SDHC cards are usually pre-for-
matted as FAT32 and will work out of the box while SDXC cards must be formatted as FAT32 before they can be used with the
Recording Unit. SD memory cards provided by Tobii can be used directly without any formatting. If for any reason (data deletion,
malfunction, etc) a memory card must be formatted, this is done from a Windows computer. Make sure to format the SD card as
7.13 Tobii Glasses Controller Software considerations and limitations
7.13.1 Dashboard information
Information on the Glasses Control Panel is synchronized with a Recording Unit as long as the software is running and there is
a connection between the tablet/computer. There are cases when they are not connected to each other which might cause the
information on the Dashboard to be misleading. If a recording that was started by one tablet/computer is stopped by another
tablet/computer, the Glasses Control Panel of the tablet that started the recording will state that the Glasses are still recording.
When connection is re-established, the information on the Dashboard will be updated. The same is true if a Recording Unit runs
out of battery or space on the SD card.
7.13.2 Anyone running Tobii Glasses Controller Software can connect and control any Tobii
Glasses Recording Unit.
There are no means of locking a Recording Unit to one or several tablets or licenses of Tobii Glasses Controller Software. Any-
one who has Tobii Glasses Controller Software installed on a Windows computer or tablet can potentially connect and control
any Recording Unit.
7.13.3 Editing or removing participants from a Study
Participants cannot be edited or removed from the Participants List. If, for any reason a faulty participant is added to the Partici-
pants List, ignore this participant and add a new Participant with the correct data.
Tobii Glasses 2 Eye TrackerUsers manual v.1.0.2 - en-US
7 Basic Operations with Tobii Glasses 2