Operation Manual

The unit is designed to play MP3 audio files contained in a USB key, if the files are not in MP3 format, the files
cannot be read correctly.
-USB/Memory Card audio functions
1) Insert one USB key in the USB compatible port (15) or one SD/MMC memory card in the SD/MMC Slot (14).
The unit will read the USB and playback automatically if no CD disc loaded.
2) Press FUNCTION button or STOP/USB/SD button to choose the USB or SD state.
3) If playback of USB or SD/MMC cart does not start automatically, press PLAY/PAUSE button to start
playback and/or press again to pause the playback.
4) Use the NEXT, BACK buttons for SKIP next/back search.
5) You can program up to 99 Tracks (refer to PROGRAM Play mode under CD/MP3 PLAYER section).
6) Repeat mode: normal->repeat 1->repeat all->repeat album ->normal
(There is no repeat album mode in program PLAY mode)
7) Maximum Folder: the unit can support up to max. 99 Folders (in the USB / SD memory card)
8) Maximum File : the unit can support up to max. 999 Files (in the USB / SD memory card)
-Press and hold the [STOP] key more than 1.5sec at USB mode, system will change to SD mode.
Then“SD” will be displayed. At this moment, system will read the SD memory card.
- If a device is successfully read, then the corresponding device is ready to play a file.
- If a device fails to be read, then“NO”will appear on the Display to indicate that there is no device .
*Notice : If no device is connected or the player fails to read the device when user switch over USB to SD with
pressing [STOP] key, then“NO”is display and the system moves into the STOP mode.
-When the unit has not a disc, inserting the USB/SD card will read the USB/SD card automatically,
it read the USB first while having a USB.
-The unit doesn’t support the HDD all and the portion USB with Mp3 player.
CD/MP3 Player
This CD-player can play Audio Discs, MP3 CD-R, CD-RW. Do not try to play CD-ROM, CDi, VCD, DVD or
computer CD.
1. Press FUNCTION button to CD mode.
2. To open the CD door, press CD open/close button on the right side of the CD door.
3. Insert a mp3/CD or CD-R, with the printed side facing up and press CD door gently to close.
4. Press play/pause on the set to start playback.
5. Press the play/pause button again to pause the playback, press once more to resume playback.
6. To stop CD playback, press STOP button.
Note: CD/mp3 play will also stop when:
-you open the CD compartment;
-you select radio sound source;
-the CD/mp3 has reached to the end.