User Manual

EN - 14
5. Then switch on the appliance by pressing the on/o buon. The indicator led lights up. The hot plate under the glass jug is
now switched on automacally.
6. Once the lter process has been completed, remove the glass jug from the hot plate and pour out the coee.
7. Coee tastes best immediately aer it has been made, so do not wait too long before serving. The glass jug can immediately
be placed back on the hot plate or you can pour the coee into a thermos jug.
Aenon: This coee machine comes with a drip stop. This means that the ow of coee is stopped immediately when the
glass jug is removed. The lter holder is closed o, as a result of which the ow of coee is stopped. Be sure to place back the
glass jug as quickly as possible to prevent the lter from overowing. If you want to interrupt the coee making process for
a longer period of me, press the on/o buon to switch o the coee machine. When making coee, do not touch the cover
to prevent burns due to hot steam.
Regularly clean the coee machine. This is not only benecial for the life span of the appliance, it also ensures opmum use of
the appliance and, of course, good tasng coee.
Cleaning should involve the following:
Prior to cleaning, always check that the coee machine is switched o and that the plug has been removed from the socket.
Regularly clean the outside of the appliance with a slightly damp cloth and then wipe it dry with a dry cloth. Never use
abrasives. Never rinse the appliance under the tap or submerge it in water.
Clean the glass jug with cover and the lter holder with hot water and a mild washing-up liquid. Thoroughly rinse the glass
jug with hot water. Thoroughly dry the glass jug before placing it back on the hot plate. The glass jug and lter holder may
not be cleaned in a dishwasher.
Regularly de-scale your coee machine. The de-scaling intervals depend on the hardness of the mains water and the frequency
at which the coee machine is being used. We recommend de-scaling the coee machine aer using one box of coee lters
(making coee approximately 40x). Due to scaling, the heang element can become obstructed. This causes overheang,
as a result of which the coee machine is switched o automacally as a safety precauon and will no longer funcon.
The coee machine will have to be repaired. You can de-scale the coee machine with a special de-scaling agent for coee
machines or with kitchen grade vinegar. If you use a special de-scaling agent for coee machines, you must observe the
instrucons on the packaging of this agent.
When using kitchen grade vinegar, proceed as follows:
1. Switch o the appliance by pressing the on/o buon. Remove the plug from the socket and remove all separate
components (glass jug and lter holder).
2. To remove any remaining water, hold the appliance upside down above the sink.
3. Fill half the water reservoir with cold kitchen grade vinegar and ll up with clean, cold water. Place the glass jug on the hot
plate and place the lter holder back on the appliance with an empty lter bag.
4. Switch on the appliance.
5. Allow approximately half of the vinegar/water mixture to ow through and switch o the appliance. Wait approximately
15 minutes and then switch the appliance back on. As a result the scale will be soened and removed.
Aer use, always switch o the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF buon. The indicator led switches o.
The coee machine keeps the coee warm for 40 minutes. Aer these 40 minutes the coee machine switches o automacally.
Do not forget to remove the paper lter bag and throw it away or to remove the permanent lter and rinse it clean. Raise the
cover of the lter holder and remove the lter. Throw away the lter bag. When using the permanent lter, empty it, clean it
and use it again.