User Manual

Avoiding part of a route
If part of a road is blocked or you wish to avoid part of a route, you can select a specific section of a
route to avoid.
1. Select the Main Menu button to open the Main Menu.
2. Select Current Route.
3. Select Avoid Part of Route.
A screen opens showing a list of the sections that comprise your current route.
4. Select the section of the route that you want to avoid.
A preview shows you the section you have chosen on the map.
5. Select Avoid.
A new route is found that avoids your chosen route section. The new route is shown on the map
Note: It may not be possible to find an alternative route around the route section if none exists.
Guidance to your destination resumes avoiding your chosen route section. As soon as you start
driving, the guidance view is shown automatically.
Finding an alternative route
Important: In the interest of safety and to avoid distractions while you are driving, you should always
plan a route before you start driving.
To find an alternative route, do the following:
1. Plan a route as usual.
2. On the map view, select the route itself.
3. Select the pop-up menu button to open the menu.
4. Select Alternative Route and then select Find alternative.
Up to three alternative routes are shown on the map view. Each alternative route shows the
difference in travel time in a balloon. You can also select the km/mi button to show the difference
as a distance.