User Manual

Danger zone and risk zone warnings
Warnings are given 10 seconds before you reach a danger zone or risk zone. You are warned in
several ways:
A symbol is shown in the route bar and on your route on the map.
Your distance to the start of the zone is shown in the route bar.
The speed limit in the zone is shown in the route bar.
You hear a warning sound as you get near the start of the zone.
While you are approaching a zone or driving in a zone, your speed is monitored. If you drive more
than 5 km/h or 3 mph over the speed limit the route bar turns red. If you drive less than 5 km/h or
3 mph over the speed limit the route bar turns orange.
While you are driving in a zone your distance to the end of the zone is shown in the route bar.
Warning sounds are played for these types of zones:
Symbol shown on
Symbol shown in
route bar
Danger zone - this type of warning is only given in
You are warned at the start and end of the danger
Risk zone - this type of warning is only given in
You are warned at the start and end of the risk
You can change the way you are warned about danger and risk zones.
Changing the way you are warned
To change the way you are warned about danger zones, select Sounds & Warnings in the Settings
You can then set how you want to be warned for the different types of zones. You can choose to be
warned, warned only if you are speeding, or never warned.
To switch off all warnings, switch off Danger zones & hazards.
Reporting a risk zone
If you pass a new temporary risk zone that you were not warned about, you can report it instantly.
Note: To report a risk zone, you must be connected to TomTom services and logged in to your
TomTom account.
If a new temporary risk zone is reported directly before or after an existing risk or danger zone, then
the new zone is added to the existing zone. The risk zone is saved on your device automatically and
also sent to other users. A reported risk zone stays on your device for three hours.
If enough Danger Zones users report a new risk zone, that zone may become a danger zone and be
available for all subscribers.
You can report a risk zone in the following ways: