User manual

Mark "visited"
Tap this button to miss out part of your Itinerary. Your TomTom RIDER
will ignore this item and all the items before it in the Itinerary.
It will navigate you to the next item in the Itinerary.
This button is only shown if you are still due to visit this item.
Mark " to visit"
Tap this button to repeat part of your Itinerary. Your device will navigate
you to this item followed by the rest of the items in the Itinerary.
This button is only shown if you have already visited this item.
Move item up
Tap this button to move the item up the Itinerary.
This button is unavailable if the item is at the top of the Itinerary.
Move item down
Tap this button to move the item down the Itinerary.
This button is unavailable if the item is at the bottom of the Itinerary.
Show on map
Tap this button to see the location of the item on the map.
Delete item
Tap this button to delete the item from the Itinerary.
Sharing an Itinerary
To share an itinerary with a friend using Bluetooth, do the following:
Sending a file
1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main Menu.
2. Tap Manage itineraries.
3. Tap Share.
4. Tap Send to another device.
5. Make sure that the other device is read to receive the file and then tap Continue.
6. Choose the device from the list.