Owners manual

Tip: If your destination is in a different time zone, you see a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign and
the time difference in hours and half hours in the arrival information panel. The estimated
time of arrival is the local time at your destination.
Tip: You can add a stop to a route that you have already planned.
Tip: You can save a route using My Routes.
Planning a route using the map
Important: In the interest of safety and to avoid distractions while you are driving, you should
always plan a route before you start driving.
To plan a route using the map, do the following:
1. Move the map and zoom in until you can see the destination that you want to navigate to.
2. When you have found your destination on the map, select it by pressing and holding the
screen for about one second.
A pop-up menu shows the nearest address.
3. To plan a route to this destination, select the drive button:
A route is planned and then guidance to your destination begins. As soon as you start driving,
the guidance view is shown automatically.