P200 Manual V1.0

@ToolkiRC 2021
System settings
After selecting and long-pressing [V dial] on the
main interface, you will enter the system setting
interface, as shown in the figure below:
Back: Back to the main interface.
Step voltage: The step value of adding or subtracting
the output voltage by turning the voltage dial, the
setting range is 0.05-0.5V.
Step current: The current dial turns the step value of the
output current plus or minus one grid, the setting range
is 0.05-0.5A.
Curve Time: Record the curve period, you can set
0.1S-10S to record once.
Lowest inputWhen the DC input voltage is below this
value, the output will stop.
Safe temp.: The internal temperature protection value,
when the internal temperature is higher than this value,
the output will stop.