P200 Manual V1.0

@ToolkiRC 2021
Quick start
1. Connect the 7-28V DC power supply to [DC input port]
on the back of the P200 or AC 100-240V to [AC power
port], and turn on [AC power switch].
2. Press the front [Power button] once, the display shows
the boot logo and stays for 2 seconds.
3. At the same time, it is accompanied by do-re-mi boot
4. After the boot is completed, the screen enters the
main interface and displays as follows:
5. Fluctuating [V dial], set the voltage to be output.
6. Fluctuation [A dial], set the output constant current.
7. Short press [V dial] to output the set voltage from the
main port.
8. Short press [A dial] to enter the TYPE-C information
9. Long press [V dial] to stop the output and enter the
system setting.