User Manual

HiPerII Chapter 1
Wireless Status LEDs indicate status of the internal Blue-tooth module.
Blue - internal Bluetooth connection has been established.
Blue blink - internal Bluetooth connection has not been made, as long as the module has
Blue dark - internal Bluetooth is not being powered.
Green flash - date is transmitted from the Bluetooth port.
Orange flash - date is received from the Bluetooth port.
Radio Status LEDs indicate status of the internal UHF radio and GSM module.
Yellow - internal radio is being powered.
Yellow dark - internal radio is not being powered.
Green flash - date is transmitted from the internal radio port.
Orange flash - date is received from the internal radio port.
Serial Port Status LEDs indicates status of the serial port.
Green flash - data is transmitted from the serial port.
Orange flash - data is received from the serial port.
The power button turns the receiver on, off and receiver setting.
The power button is used to turn the unit on or off, format or erase the internal memory, or
perform a factory reset. The number of seconds that you press the power button de-ter-mines
how the receiver will behave. At each time interval, the receiver issues voice messages or
sounds to guide you through the process.
Number of
Tuen on 1
Press the button for 1 second and release to turn on the receiver.
The battery life gauge indicates the progress of the startup
After startup (approximately 20 seconds), the battery life gauge
indicators will turn off for a short period, and you will hear the
"Receiver Ready" message or sound that indicates that the
system is operational.
It is normal for the receiver health indicator LEDs to illuminate
during startup.
Tuen off 3
Press the button for 3 seconds and/or until you hear the "Power
Off" message or sound, and the top three battery life gauge
LEDs illuminate.
HiPerII Chapter 1