User's Manual

GRS Operator’s Manual
USB Serial
(port A)
GRS Ports
The GRS has the following three ports:
USB – used for high-speed connection to a computer via ActiveSync.
Serial – used for communication between the internal GPS module (port A of the module) and an external
device.Power – used to connect the GRS to an external power source. This port can also be used to charge the
Figure 1-5. GRS Ports
SD Card Slot
The SD (secure digital) slot provides extended memory for the controller (SD Card Slot). The data that resides on
the SD card can be accessed via the USB or serial port, or Bluetooth wireless technology. A secure digital card can
be purchased at your local computer supply store. Located above the card slot is the software reset button for
restarting the operating system if software is not responding.
Figure 1-6. SD Card Slot
SD Card Slot
tware Reset