User's Manual

P/N 7010-0816
Chapter 3
HiPer Ga/Gb
Both Base and Rover receivers must be configured according to the
survey method needed.
In applications where real-time positioning results are required,
the Base receiver provides the correction information needed to
properly measure the location of the Rover receiver.
A Base station is normally set up over a known point and collects
GPS/GLONASS data from satellites. As the receiver picks up
satellite data, it measures the carrier and code phases to
accurately compute and verify its location. The receiver transmits
this information via radio link to the Rover receiver.
The Rover receiver applies correction information from the Base
station to its current location to accurately calculate one or more
Rovers are mobile GPS receivers on a survey pole or bipod that
compares the information from the Base station to the data it logs
from satellites and applies correction algorithms to accurately
calculate a new point.
In applications intended for post-processing, the receivers
typically log code phase and/or carrier phase measurements
separately from common satellites and during the same time
interval. This data is then processed using post-processing
software (for example, Topcon Tools).