User's Manual

HiPer Ga/Gb Configuration
HiPer Ga/Gb Operator’s Manual
RTK Parameters, RTK mode – select either Extrapolation for
RTK float (kinematic) or Delay for RTK fixed (static).
– Extrapolation is for low-latency, high frequency output
5 Hz) RTK applications. The Rover will extrapolate
the Base station’s carrier phase measurement corrections
when computing the Rover's current RTK position.
This setting (extrapolation) is recommended.
– Delay is for 1 Hz high precision RTK applications. The
Rover RTK engine computes either a delayed RTK
position (for the epoch to which the newly received
RTCM/CMR message corresponds) or the current stand-
alone position (while waiting for new RTCM/CMR
messages coming from the base).
RTK Parameters, Dynamics – select Static or Kinematic.
RTK Parameters, Ambiguity fixing level – (not applicable to
RTK Float) select either Low, Medium, or High for indicator
states of 95%, 99.5%, or 99.9%, respectively. The RTK
engine uses the ambiguity fix indicator when making
decisions whether or not to fix ambiguities. The higher the
specified confidence level, the longer the integer ambiguity
search time.
Figure 3-11. Rover Configuration
Continue with step 11 for RTK surveys or step 12 on page 3-16.