User's Manual

Shenzhen TOPFLYtech Co., Limited. All Rights Reserved 13
Range: Positive Integer
Range limit: 0~32767
Default: 0
1) Tracker will return “SET SPEED OK” when received this command.
2) Set “Upper Speed Limit” to 0 will turn off speed alarm.
9.13 SMS Tracking Mode Setting
Current PIN,SMS Tracking Time#
SMS Tacking Time Range:
Range: Positive Integer
Range limit: 0, 1, 2 ~ 65535 Minutes
Default: 0
1) Tracker will return “SET TRACK OK” when received this command.
2) 0: GPRS tracking mode.
3) 1: Disable the tracking function. No data will be sent out to the server.
4) 2~65535: Time interval of SMS sending to manager phone in SMS tracking mode.
9.14 SIM Card Balance Checking
Current PIN,Service Center Number,SIM Card Credit Checking Command#
1) Tracker will return “SET FORWARD OK” when received this command.
2) Then it will return the SIM card balance result.
9.15 Google Map Search (Already Built-in)
Current PIN#
Note: Tracker will return below message when received this command.<Latitude>, <Longitude>
9.16 Forgot the PIN
1) If the manager phone number has been set, only the manager can use “MYSELF#”.
If no manager setting, the tracker will return the IMEI and current PIN when it
received “MYSELF#” from any mobile phone.
2) This command can be used to retrieve password.